Measures taken to reduce The Cove's environmental impact include:
On-site separation of recyclable and other waste streams and adherence to local government regulations for disposal.
On-site production of drinking water and on-site treatment and disposal of wastewater.
Shower heads are low flow.
Toilets are dual flush.
On-demand gas hot water heating.
Light-sensitive timer switches for public lighting.
Use of low-energy compact fluorescent bulbs.
Re-vegetation with native species. Continuous removal of exotic species such as asparagus fern and bitou bush.
Rainwater used when possible.
Biodegradable cleaning agents are used.
Maintenance of access corridors for wildlife.
No intentional feeding of wildlife.
At The Cove, we aim to minimise our impact on the surrounding environment and nature.
We encourage our guests to experience nature without causing damages by asking them to:
Stick to footpaths when bushwalking.
Help us to protect wildlife by collecting rubbish from the bush and beach - even if it's not yours.
Avoid taking plastic bags in boats and near the water. Litter such as tin and plastic can be dangerous to wildlife. Marine animals sometimes mistake white plastic shopping bags for squid. They swallow the plastic bag and usually die. Rubbish also spoils the bush experience. Please put all rubbish in the bins provided or take it home with you.
Don't disturb bird nests/nesting birds that may be found on the beach e.g. the endangered Little Tern and Hooded Plover.
Don't feed animals.
Don't disturb animals - enjoy observing them in secret.
Don't remove any plants.
Our climate is changing, largely due to the observed increases in human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), agriculture and land clearing. Changes over the 20th century include increases in global average air and ocean temperature, widespread melting of snow and ice and rising global sea levels. The extra heat in the climate system has other impacts such as affecting atmospheric and ocean circulation, which influences rainfall and wind patterns.
Another serious impact of the increasing concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide is ocean acidification. Around a quarter of the carbon dioxide produced by humans is absorbed by the oceans. As the carbon dioxide dissolves in sea water it forms a weak carbonic acid, making the ocean more acidic. There are early indications that some marine organisms are already being affected by ocean acidification.
The global average air temperature has increased by around 0.85 degrees Celsius since 1880.[i] The observed increase in temperatures has occurred across the globe, with rising temperatures recorded on all continents and in the oceans. World Meteorological Organization (link is external) records show that the decade of 2001-10 was the world’s warmest decade on record, and that the 2000s were warmer than the 1990s which in turn were warmer than the 1980s. In Australia, average air temperatures have increased by around 0.9 degrees Celsius since 1910, and each decade has been warmer than the previous decade since the 1950s.[ii]
Scientists agree that the worst effects of climate change can largely be avoided if carbon dioxide emissions are reduced to an acceptable level.